The Couple move to their third apartment and have a fair amount of funds to furnish the place with.
They are able to have a functional kitchen, bathroom and nursery and a bed.
Soon Kara is born.
They work on the crafts to earn money to furnish the apartment.
Kaley joins the writing career
George masters painting
Grace has a birthday
Kaley loves cooking
Kaley writes some books
She gains a trait and now gets confident much more often
George gets promoted and gets some free stuff to sell
Kara is soon a Calm infant
Kara works on her fine motor milestones
George also loves cooking
Kaley does tummy time with Kara
Kara spits up quite often and uses her nappy when being fed.
Kara is soon learning to sit up
George plays with his daughter
Kara learns to crawl
Kaley gets promoted
Kara is a fussy eater who dislikes and is unsure of most food she tries.
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