The children are both A Students +10

Slyvia gets promoted

She gives advice

and works on her logic

Flavia does art

Flynn and Flavia get on well

well I guess some people enjoy dating vamps

Federico reads a book

and does yoga

Flavia enjoys creating potions

Flynn does the dishes

Slyvia becomes a adult

Flynn becomes a child. He rolls the High Maintenance trait and the bodybluilder aspiration.

Slyvia gets some feedback

Flynn enjoys relaxation

Federico does some sit ups

Flynn works out his anger

He starts learning to cook

Slyvia gets promoted

Flynn repairs
Self Wetting-0
Pass out-1 -5
Failing School-0
Negative Traits earned-0
Accidental deaths-0
Social Worker Visit-0
Single Births- 1 +5
Aspiration Milestones Completed- 10 +50
Aspirations Completed-0
Toddler skills maxed- 1 +5
Skills Maxed-0
A's in school- 2 +10
Happy Toddler trait- 0
Top Notch Toddler-0
Maxed career-0
Randomizing traits and aspirations for generation-0
100,000 simolens earned-0
Positive traits earned-0
Total Points- +70
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