Flavia cleans the house

Flynn is not a fan of video games

Slyvia gets a raise

The house gets some renovations

Flynn does yoga

Flavia finds some music she likes

The family love dancing

Flynn repairs the tv

Slyvia gives advice

She finds some music she likes

She repairs the fridge

and makes another design

Flynn becomes a Young Adult and is now the leader, Slyvia becomes a non torch holder. Flynn rolled Jealous to add to high Maintenance and Animal Entahauist, should be fun and his aspiration is body builder
Self Wetting-0
Pass out-1 -5
Failing School-0
Negative Traits earned-0
Accidental deaths-0
Fires- 1 -10
Social Worker Visit-0
Single Births- 2 10
Aspiration Milestones Completed- 10 +50
Aspirations Completed-1 +10
Toddler skills maxed- 1 +5
Skills Maxed-0
A's in school- 4 +20
Happy Toddler trait- 0
Top Notch Toddler-0
Maxed career-0
Randomizing traits and aspirations for generation-0
100,000 simolens earned-0
Positive traits earned-0
Total Points- +80
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