Bret dances

and uses the computer

Brenda does the t pose challenge

Bret is not into alternative music

Bev is a great student

Brenda cooks

Brenda and Bev work on thier homework

Keri repairs

The girls work on school projects

Keri loves to cook

Bret gets promoted

He works on Charisma

Brenda repairs the oven

Bev loves video games

Keri swims

Everyone wants to know Brenda

Bret maxes career
The house is complete and it's final worth is 109, 988 simolens, with two bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a gaming room.

Bret plays the violin

Brenda is soon a young adult ready to take on her own house. Her traits are : Top notch toddler, Creatively, Mentally and Physically gifted, Genius, Ambitious and Over achiever. Her aspiration is Reinassance sim. All Goals were completed, Bret achieved his final promotion with just a day to spare.
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