Federico cleans

Sylvia spends some time with Flynn

and drafts a new eco concept

she works on her logic

and gives some advice

Federico gets promoted

and decides to nap on the bench opposite the house

He enjoys fitness

Flynn becomes a toddler and rolls the Inquisitive trait

He learns to use the potty

and the slide

He also enjoys exploring the bookshelf

Slyvia gets promoted

and cooks

Flynn plays with blocks

The neighbourhood continues to improve

Federico does flashcards with Flynn

Flynn plays with toys

Flavia is born.
Self Wetting-0
Pass out-0
Failing School-0
Negative Traits earned-0
Accidental deaths-0
Social Worker Visit-0
Single Births- 2 +10
Aspiration Milestones Completed- 0
Aspirations Completed-0
Toddler skills maxed- 0
Skills Maxed-0
A's in school- 0
Happy Toddler trait- 0
Top Notch Toddler-0
Maxed career-0
Randomizing traits and aspirations for generation-0
100,000 simolens earned-0
Positive traits earned-0
Total Points- 10
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