Slyvia reads her son to sleep
Federico improves his handiness skill
Slyvia bathes her son
Flynn plays in the tent
Slyvia gives advice
Flynn plays with toys
The neighbourhood improves some more
Federico doesn't make it to bed -5
Flavia becomes a toddler and rolls the silly trait
She loves babbling to the bear
and playing with toys
Federico enjoys dancing
Slyvia gets promoted
Federico has a new hobby
Flynn and Flavia also enjoys dancing
Flavia also loves the tent
Flynn finds a new way to dance
Flavia masters the communication skill +5
Self Wetting-0
Pass out-1 -5
Failing School-0
Negative Traits earned-0
Accidental deaths-0
Social Worker Visit-0
Single Births- 1 +5
Aspiration Milestones Completed- 0
Aspirations Completed-0
Toddler skills maxed- 1 +5
Skills Maxed-0
A's in school- 0
Happy Toddler trait- 0
Top Notch Toddler-0
Maxed career-0
Randomizing traits and aspirations for generation-0
100,000 simolens earned-0
Positive traits earned-0
Total Points- 10
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