Slyvia gets promoted

Flynn becomes a child. He randomly rolls the Animal Enthusiast trait and a random number roll gives him the Artistic Prodigy aspiration

The family move to a new house made of shipping containers

Slyvia rallies the neighbours to vote

Flynn loves exercise

he also loves building with blocks

and doing science

Slyvia does some recycling and some socialising

Flavia plays with toys

Flynn does the dishes

Slyvia starts potty training

and plays with her daughter

Flynn does some art

and chats to the bear

He also uses the computer

Flavia becomes a child. She rolls the neat trait and the Whiz Kid Aspiration

She is a big help around the house
Self Wetting-0
Pass out-1 -5
Failing School-0
Negative Traits earned-0
Accidental deaths-0
Social Worker Visit-0
Single Births- 1 +5
Aspiration Milestones Completed- 0
Aspirations Completed-0
Toddler skills maxed- 1 +5
Skills Maxed-0
A's in school- 0
Happy Toddler trait- 0
Top Notch Toddler-0
Maxed career-0
Randomizing traits and aspirations for generation-0
100,000 simolens earned-0
Positive traits earned-0
Total Points- 10
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